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Let's Bask In The Glorious Goodness That Is 'The Good Place' Season Finale

By Emily Cutler | TV | February 2, 2018 |

By Emily Cutler | TV | February 2, 2018 |


The Good Place is a good show. That might feel a little redundant after the number of times we’ve raved about it, especially after the second season found its long term game, but I don’t just mean that the quality is good.

Which also it totally is. It’s a high-quality show. It’s funny and well written and most importantly well-structured. Also it gave us this so clearly it’s top ten show of all time. It knows how to set up and execute a story, and to play to and against its actors’ strengths. Also, it might be the best show currently on air at working in jokes in ways that don’t feel forced. In fact, they do such a good job baking jokes into the show, they sometimes completely slip past.


Oh, and in last night’s finale, THEY RECREATED SAM MALONE AND IT WAS FLAWLESS.



So I want to be clear that this is definitely a good show.

But it’s also a show about goodness. It’s a show about how people can become better humans, and that they can do so because of their interactions with each other. The basic premise is that people are good, and more people make them better. I’m not a religious person, but that’s uplifting as hell. But again, uplifting in a way that doesn’t feel insincere or sentimental. Which I guess makes sense since basically only the creator of Pawnee, IN could walk the line between kindness and cutting.

I wrote a little bit back about how TV addresses cases of people trying to change, and how it’s usually pretty dark and painful. The Good Place managed to give us a show about four people literally in hell trying to improve themselves enough to escape, and it’s fun. It’s light. It’s breezy. God help me, it’s nice, and I am into that. It’s a good show, and one that doesn’t mind mixing its heart with its humor. It’s goddamn amazing, and me and my black, cynical heart are totally here for it.

And just in case it wasn’t totally clear, yes, major gif off in the comments.