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Here Are Our Favorite Irish TV Series To Stream While You Self-Isolate

By Heather Huntington | TV | March 17, 2020 |

By Heather Huntington | TV | March 17, 2020 |


Did your St. Patrick’s Day festivities get canceled to flatten the COVID-19 curve? In between freaking out, here are some of our favorite Irish TV series you can watch to celebrate the green while you’re social distancing.


Genre: Thriller
Stream on: Acorn/Amazon
Seasons: 2
About: A young woman returns to her rural Irish village after her mother dies under suspicious circumstances.
Good for people who: Love good thrillers, have daddy issues.

Bridget & Eamon

Genre: Comedy
Stream on: Amazon Prime
Seasons: 4
About: A sitcom send up of family life in ’80s Midlands Ireland, specifically of ridiculous married couple Bridget & Eamon and their 6-8 children.
Good for people who: Love broad comedy and Irish in-jokes (whether they get them or not), enjoy a good silly wig.

Can’t Cope, Won’t Cope

Genre: Dramedy
Stream on: Netflix
Seasons: 2
About: Two young Irish women living the twenty-something life in Dublin, and what happens when they party a little too hard.
Good for people who: Respect female lead stories, may be codependent with their BFF, want to feel better about no longer being in their 20s.

Derry Girls

Genre: Comedy
Stream on: Netflix
Seasons: 2
About: A bunch of high school friends in Northern Ireland during the troubles in the ’90s. IT IS SO GOOD.
Good for people who: Like good things, were teens in the ’90s — whether you lived in Ireland or not.

The Fall

Genre: Thriller
Stream on: Netflix
Seasons: 3
About: A serial killer hiding as a normal dad/everyday citizen in Belfast and the cop who has to find him.
Good for people who: Have Jamie Dornan fetishes, have Gillian Anderson fetishes, yearn for the good old days when serial killers were the worst thing we could imagine.

London Irish

Genre: Comedy
Stream on: Amazon Prime
Seasons: 1
About: More twentysomething antics, this time with a group of Irish friends living in London.
Good for people who: wondered what it would be like if Friends was about Irish people in London.

This Way Up

Genre: Comedy/dramedy
Stream on: Hulu
Seasons: 1
About: Two Irish sisters dealing with one of them trying to get back on her feet after depression. Technically this is a British show, but it was written by Aisling Bea and stars her and Sharon Horgan, so I say it counts.
Good for people who: Love Aisling Bea and Shannon Horgan, their individual comic styles, and them singing Zombie by The Cranberries together. And want to rekindle their love of good Tobias Menzies after he played the terrible Black Jack Randall in Outlander.

Heather Huntington is a Staff Contributor for Pajiba. You can follow her on Twitter.

Header Image Source: Netflix