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Ahead Of Its 14th Season Premiere, The Stars of 'Supernatural' Share A Very Important PSA About Dean Winchester

By Tori Preston | TV | October 11, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | TV | October 11, 2018 |


After 14 seasons, it’s clear what makes Supernatural the best show on TV (JUST LET ME SAY IT, DUSTIN). No, not its insanely convoluted mythology, or monsters of the week, or steadily improving treatment of its female characters. Not the classic rock soundtrack. Not even that Impala. No, the secret to all of Supernatural’s success is the very real chemistry between stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, who play the very fictional Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam (SAMMIE!). And I don’t just mean the fact that they are very good at playing brothers, or the fact that they are very close friends in real life. I’m referring to the fact that their charisma and gentle ribbing of each other is the show’s best marketing tool — as this new “PSA” for Entertainment Weekly makes abundantly clear. (Apologies for the tiny video, but you can click on the square to make it full screen).

So, some background. And yes, everything I’m about to say is patently ridiculous, and no you don’t have to worry if it makes no sense because ultimately it doesn’t matter. The premise of this “PSA” is that the character Ackles plays, Dean Winchester, has been possessed by the archangel Michael (I know) — so when the show returns tonight, it won’t be a show with Dean Winchester in it (it’ll just be a show with Ackles playing an asshole in a hat, as you can see above). The entire thing is an extended riff on how people can process their pain over missing Dean, because Chuck knows when he’ll be back (Chuck is God, btw… I KNOW, I KNOW). And as for the stuff they’re referencing? Well… I guess you should know that both characters have been possessed a bunch. Sam’s been taken over by an angel, and Lucifer, and he’s even been hooked on demon blood. And Dean WAS a demon at one point. Also they’ve both trapped in Hell, but that’s neither here nor there. OH! And Sam’s ridiculous hair has been a like decade-long joke on the show at this point.

But really, none of this matters. Honestly, if you’ve never seen a second of the show and are just curious what all the fuss is about, that fake-PSA is better than any recap or montage or long, thoughtful essay I could offer. The most important part of Supernatural is the love and humor (and ill-advised constant sacrifice) between two brothers — and the thing that makes it work is the chemistry between Ackles and Padalecki. This video is the best glimpse into that dynamic I could offer you.

Though if you already ARE a fan — which, let’s be real, you would have to be to bother reading this article in the first place — I feel obligated to mention that Hillywood released ANOTHER adorable parody video for the series a couple of months ago. It was inspired by Ghostbusters, and Misha Collins plays the Annie Potts role, and it’s great…

… though I still think nothing will ever top the first parody:

Supernatural returns to the CW tonight… and probably forever. This show will never end.