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Where is Fox's 'The Passage' Going?

By Joelle Monique | TV | January 25, 2019 |

By Joelle Monique | TV | January 25, 2019 |


I have read “Overlord Dustin’s review of The Passage and decided to give it a shot. Listen, I don’t need to know much more than the fact a young Black girl would be leading the series and that the hot daddy baseball player from Pitch would be her guardian angel. With Liz Helden, a veteran of Boston Public and Friday Night Lights, there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to chronicle the public reaction to this team up. I’m catching up. Here’s a recap of the first two episodes. I’ll be on a regular schedule next week.

Who’s Who


Amy Bellafonte — Smart, funny, and in a lot of trouble, this little girl is dealing with a lot trauma. Her mother was a drug addict. Her most treasured possession is a beaten-up copy of A Wrinkle in Time. It was the last gift her mother gave to her. Luckily, Amy’s both scrappy and resourceful. She hustles kids in arm wrestling and she’s able to fight off a girl twice her size. Then, she’s kidnapped by …

Brad Wolgast — Brad is the super sexy, smooth talking, ex-special ops, hired gun. He works for Project Noah, a top-secret government organization working to eradicate all disease. Brad has no idea who operates Project Noah, and he’s OK with that. He goes to prisons, recruit’s death row inmates to sign their lives over to Noah. Eventually, Brad is given the assignment to kidnap Amy. He takes the job without flinching. However, once he meets Amy his memories of his own daughter, who passed three years ago, flood his mind. He flips on Project Noah and swears to protect Amy at all costs. With this thought in mind, he flees to Wisconsin to meet the woman, former nun, and special ops baddie that trained him to be a master survivor. Unfortunately, this badass plus sized woman was killed off, and Amy and Brad are taken into Project Noah custody by…


Clark Richards — Clark is the head of security for Project Noah. He assigned Brad to collect Amy. In fact, Brad taught Clark everything he knows. But, now, Clark is in charge and living kind of dangerously for a security expert. Kidnapping children, trudging into the mountains to find magical careers and sleeping with …

Dr. Major Nichole Sykes — Nichole is the manager of Project Noah. She’s been overseeing the care of the inmates. As the avian flu threatens to turn into an epidemic, Nichole straddles an impossible line when her staff informs her that the cure would manifest better in a younger host. She signs off on capturing a child as a test subject, much to the chagrin of …


Dr. Jonas Lear — Jonas Lear has been working on a life-saving treatment for his wife who has early onset Alzheimer’s. Alongside Richards and Lear’s oldest friend, the crew chases a magical cure up through the mountains of Bolivia. There they discover an undead, bloodthirsty, definitely not a vampire, ragged old man. Unfortunately, Lear’s friend is bitten and becomes patient zero for Project Noah. Along the journey to eradicate disease, he’s violated everything he believes in. Now, he’s so desperate to bring his friend back, he can’t see that…

Dr. Tim Fanning — Fanning is definitely a Dracula level baddie. He should definitely have died from the bite in Bolivia. But he comes out of it more alive than ever. Quickly his health deteriorates. He becomes pale, his hair turns white and his eyes become off color. Creepier than his appearance are the clandestine messages he leaves for Lear in the dreams of his colleagues and patients.



1. How is Amy able to manage this level of adaptation? I know humans adapt quickly to crazy scenarios, but this ten-year-old girl lost her mother and is traveling with a dude she doesn’t know at all. There should be some level of trepidation or a feeling of being overwhelmed. What’s going on?!

2. Brad is a total fox with a heart of gold, maybe. Sacrificing those who are already marked for death is an individual tragedy, but to go after a child is unthinkable. He switches from cold-hearted mercenary to loving father so quickly. Has he kidnapped children before? What loyalties does he have to Clark?

3. How much does Lila know about what Brad does for a living?

4. Is there something extra between Dr. Tim and Dr. Jonas? Maybe it’s just me, but that “Special friendship” seems like more than just friends. Tim is sending special messages to Jonas through his colleagues and patients. Kind of romantic, no? Of course, I am the captain of several ridiculous ships. This might just be one more for my Armada.

5. Finally, a large deal is made out of who is operating Project Noah. We see people receiving orders, we hear about a lot of government organizations, but we’ve yet to see a face. Who is out here turning murderers into zombies?! Why did they approve it? Will this be a giant crossover with American Horror Story: Apocalypse? Probably not, but we’ll have to tune in next week to find out.

Header Image Source: Fox