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'Mad Men' Rewatch, Season 6 & Season 7A: The Beginning of The End

By Sarah Carlson | TV | April 3, 2015 |

By Sarah Carlson | TV | April 3, 2015 |

It’s time.

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Mad Men is coming to an end, with the second half of its seventh and final season premiering Sunday.

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I’m not ready, either. I anticipate going into a deep depression once this great drama goes off the air for good …

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… But for now, I have the final episodes to cling to. Rewatching the series for my podcast, Not Great, Pod!, has only made my love for Mad Men stronger — clearer. What started as a stylized look at life in early 1960s America, delivered in a manner that sometimes winked at the viewer a little too hard, has turned into a poignant look at life in general. I’ll save my preaching for my weekly recaps of the final episodes, but for now I’ll say: This series is beautiful, and it will be missed.

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Season 6 and Season 7A are damn near perfect and full of life lessons, such as:

The most to-the-point break-up line ever:

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That you should never discount the little guy because he might just run Hollywood one day:

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That you’ll always be the cool guy if you fly yourself to meetings:

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That enthusiasm (and lies) will get you places:

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That it’s best not to be awkward:

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Yeah, don’t.

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That drugs in the workplace make for interesting games:

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That Dustin really was onto something with his “Megan is dead” theory:

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That sometimes, the student becomes the teacher:

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But sometimes, that’s a good thing:

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That Joan has the best comeback lines, period:

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That Cutler can be … cutting:

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That Peggy gives the best death glares:

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No, seriously:

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But Trudy will destroy you:

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That Shirley and Dawn need a spin-off:

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That if you ever have a need to say this phrase, you should move:

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That there are some things you just shouldn’t say to coworkers:

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That you shouldn’t be afraid to sex things up a bit:

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That you shouldn’t be afraid to tell the truth:

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That fictional stories are capable of breaking your heart:

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Yep, there it goes:

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That a family can be made of more than relatives:

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That life is hard, and then you die:

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But you shouldn’t try to stop your business partners from making millions because they will cut you:

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That this is the key to the show, right here:

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That Kiernan Shipka deserves all the things:

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That Robert Morse is a national treasure:

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And that this is still the best line ever:

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Join us — myself, Corey Atad and Mallory Andrews (both of Movie Mezzanine) — as we discuss all of these truths and more on Not Great, Pod!

Listen here:

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See you next week.

Sarah Carlson is Television Editor for Pajiba. You can find her on Twitter.