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'Rooster & Butch' Is Getting A Second Chance Under A Different Name, But Why?

By Jodi Smith | TV | January 17, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | TV | January 17, 2018 |


My husband was watching some reality show and a commercial came on for Rooster and Butch. I rolled my eyes and instantly dismissed it as an investment version of Duck Dynasty, because my hillbilly blood loathes being stereotyped as buttholes.

I forgot about the commercial, but when I saw it again, a light bulb appeared above my head and I yelled, “ROOSTER IS MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY’S OLDER BROTHER! HOLY SHIT, I CAN SEE AND HEAR IT NOW AND DIDN’T BEFORE.” My husband was dumbfounded and intrigued. In fact, he’s watching Rooster & Butch as I type this up, which is what prompted me to more fully share this information with the world.

Genevieve touched on this when the series premiered, but aside from Rooster being the big brother of Matthew, this is the second time he’s had a reality show like this. West Texas Investors Club ran on CNBC for two seasons, beginning in August of 2015 and ending a year later. If that didn’t last on CNBC, then why did A&E pick it up?

Since I have to grit my teeth and suffer through such A&E gems as Storage Wars and Wahlburgers, I think that Rooster and Butch felt that they were more at home on this channel than with Shark Tank and The Profit over at NBC. Or they were cancelled and A&E is the safest bet for their type of show, which blends investing their fortunes made in the oil business into different startups and entrepreneurial businesses with their West Texas straightforwardness.

NBC seems to prefer their investors be less beer and cigars and more suits, presentations, and hundred dollar haircuts. This is in stark contrast to A&E, which tends to revel in the outrageous and quirky. McConaughey and co-star Butch Gilliam are nothing if not outrageous and quirky, with their unique styles and preferred ways of doing business.

For instance, the duo prefers getting to know their potential investments and staying away from the more traditional presentations and crunching of numbers.

“We don’t have presentations, because [Butch] hates them. I’m not that fond of them but if you don’t get to the point with Butch too quick, he’ll bail on you. Plus, it’s a little intimidating if they had to come in front of us, and we’re all about level playing field, and then we spend more time with them than we did before.” - VIA People

McConaughey is usually found with his favorite beverage, Miller Lite, in his hand, whether he’s talking with Butch about potential investments or discussing things with the investors themselves. Butch has an amazing mullet, and the duo both pepper their speech with “downhome” phrases and a straightforward manner that’s less Mr. Wonderful insult and more Come to Jesus talk from a friend.