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Your Blessed, Brief, Much Needed Moment Of Zen

By Emily Cutler | TV | November 20, 2017 |

By Emily Cutler | TV | November 20, 2017 |

Saturday night saw HBO’s annual Night of Too Many Stars, the fundraiser for autism programs that’s not like your parents’ fundraiser. This one is wacky. And cool. And sometimes it’s advertised by having friends spit in each other’s faces. Plus they give out wacky prizes! You can hide under Colbert’s desk for an entire taping of his show (although if you don’t get to do a desk high five, I say it’s not worth it). J.J. Abrams will spoil the new Star Wars movie for you so you can pay someone lots and lots of money to do something that would make you write a profanity-laced comment if a website had done. But charity! So it’s cool, I guess.

The big question of course is, “Was the show good?” To which I will answer, “Man, they sure did a lot of charity!”

Look, I don’t want to bitch all over someone’s good deed, but big level entertainment shows with multiple celebrities are always kind of hard to pull off. It’s why even the best award shows are mostly bad. They give us great moments, but never great shows. And below is the best moment of the show. I know there were some legit moving moments (the songs, it’s always the songs), and some comedians did some great tight fives, but seriously, this is the best. Because for five minutes, three dudes who are friends and funny got to make a series of jokes mostly at their own expense, and nobody got groped. Or had to talk about Donald Trump. Or the impending tax bill. Or war with North Korea. And oh, fuck, I’m ruining it.

So I’ll shut up. You spend just a few minutes watching something funny, give yourself a break, and try not to think about the world.