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Piers Morgan Getty.jpg

Fire Piers Morgan

By Kayleigh Donaldson | TV | October 15, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | TV | October 15, 2019 |

Piers Morgan Getty.jpg

Piers Morgan, the noted bigoted bully and Trump sycophant who was sacked from the newspaper he edited after publishing fake images of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners, is at it again. Now the host of Good Morning Britain, he spends most of his days desperately trolling the most marginalized groups for attention and right-wing clout, all while harnessing the rhetoric of the alt-right and casual Reddit user in an attempt to pretend his uninformed screeds are the voice of the silent majority.

We could be here all day detailing his various incidents of journalistic ineptitude and outright crookery, including the multiple times he has been implicated in the phone-hacking scandal. Alas, today we’re focusing on but one of his displays of transphobia. Like many in the British press and rent-a-gobs for-hire industry, Morgan has latched onto trans rights as a means to be openly hateful towards the LGBTQ+ community. He’s been doing this for years, such as when he referred to Janet Mock as being ‘formerly a man’ when he interviewed her in 2014. In 2017, he called non-binary kids ‘a contagion’ and denied the scale of suicide among trans children. He consistently denies the existence of non-binary identities, claiming, ‘you can’t be male and female…you’re born one or the other’. He even referred to gender-fluidity as his ‘number one pet hate.’ That doesn’t even get into his obsession with constantly asking trans, non-binary, and gender-fluid people about their genitals.

His most recent rant included him sneering that he now identifies as a penguin because of a lesbian penguin couple living at London Aquarium. This inspired a petition of people who want him sacked from the show. Clearly thinking this was an opportunity to show how exceedingly popular he is, Morgan got a Twitter poll going, telling his ‘fans’, ‘The poll yesterday, when I left, was 80 per cent I should stay. It’s now been hijacked the snowflake websites and Twitter handles. Viewers, you’re not the snowflake brigade, you are my people. You are my army, I need you to get busy this morning. We can’t let the snowflakes win. We need you to get voting.’

Here’s the poll in question, just in case you felt like showing how many snowflakes it takes to create a tundra.

As always, I’m reminded of that great Stephen Fry joke.

What’s the definition of ‘countryside’?

Killing Piers Morgan.

Header Image Source: Getty Images.