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Tolkien White Guy Martin Freeman's Fear Of Choking Is Relatable AF

By Tori Preston | TV | April 14, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | TV | April 14, 2018 |


BBC America has released fresh clips from next Friday’s episode of The Graham Norton Show, which will feature Dwayne Johnson and Naomie Harris (Rampage), Martin Freeman (Ghost Stories), and a performance by Roger Daltrey. And while it’s admittedly hard for anyone to pull focus away from the whirlpool of charm that is The Rock, for a brief shining moment Freeman manages to do exactly that. You see, it turns out that he has a pretty serious fear of choking. Probably because he keeps actually choking on food — it even happened at Andy Serkis’s house one time! And look, I get it. OK, not the part about the avocado pits because WHO WOULD EVEN SWALLOW THAT but the rest of it resonates for me. I don’t think I’ve ever related to anything harder than I relate to Freeman’s difficulty chewing his crisps rather than, you know, just inhaling them whole. That struggle is REAL.

And by the way — if you thought Ye Olde Internet created that “Tolkien White Guys” nickname for Freeman and Serkis in Black Panther, think again. Turns out they were getting called that by the movie’s cast:

But look, it’s not like The Rock didn’t come prepared with his own charm assault, which he executed in the form of an off-the-cuff performance of his Moana rap. Because Dwayne Johnson does NOT fuck around:

As for Naomie Harris, she shares her impression of the great Oscar mixup, when she got dragged on stage after finding out that her film Moonlight had actually won Best Picture — and Graham hauls out photographic evidence of The Rock’s reaction from the audience:


Thumbnail image for oscarreaction.png

Catch this episode of The Graham Norton Show Friday, April 20th at 10pm EST.