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Did Seth Meyers Really Get Day Drunk With Kelly Clarkson?

By Kristy Puchko | TV | November 1, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | November 1, 2018 |


One of the greatest things that happened this year (and maybe in the history of human events) was when Seth Meyers got day drunk with Kelly Clarkson. For a Late Night with Seth Meyers’ segment, the talk show host and the pop star unleashed absolute silliness and blessed joy upon all who watched them get uninhibited and adorable. But someone has cast a shadow of doubt over this divine event. And Meyers has come forward to set the record straight!

As a guest on What What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Meyers took a question from a caller, who asked if he really got wasted with Kelly Clarkson or if it was all an act. Meyers defended his integrity with a charming anecdote.

Meyers confessed, “I drank so much in the two hours we did ‘Day Drinking’ that I said goodbye to her twice. And then after she left, I went to my producer and said, ‘I feel terrible I forgot to say goodbye to her.’” That’s right gang. He went blackout day drunk for your LOLZ!

Now, you might be thinking, ‘Kristy, this is barely a news item. That was a teeny tiny clip with an okay story. What is this? An excuse to repost the hilarious Meyers/Clarkson video that emits such sheer pleasure that the Trump Administration is probably looking for a way to make it a crime?” Yes. Yes, it is.

You’re welcome.