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Chiwetel Ejiofor Aims to Out-Weird David Bowie in 'The Man Who Fell to Earth'

By Nate Parker | TV | February 25, 2022 |

By Nate Parker | TV | February 25, 2022 |


The Man Who Fell to Earth is a very strange, cynical science fiction novel written by Walter Tevis in 1963 that became a very strange, cynical David Bowie movie in 1976. The story focused on a humanoid alien, Thomas Jerome Newton, who came to earth in search of water for his dying homeworld. He uses his advanced technological knowledge to patent numerous advances here on earth, making him wealthy enough to construct the transport ships he needs, but also attracting the attention of the CIA and FBI. Along the way, he meets a young woman - Betty Jo in the original, Mary-Lou in the Bowie movie, and Justin Falls (Naomie Harris) in this new Showtime adaptation. She introduces him to the joys of television, sex, and most importantly alcohol. Both the novel and movie are surreal, and allegorical explorations of alcoholism.

Showtime has adapted the story into a new series in which single mom Justin discovers the alien Faraday (Ejiofor) newly arrived on earth. His planet is in the end stage of our current crisis, ravaged by nuclear war and environmental collapse. He hopes his knowledge combined with the earth’s resources can save both planets, and his family back home. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the nation’s intelligence agencies have other ideas.

The stellar cast also includes Kate Mulgrew (Star Trek: Voyager), Jimmi Simpson (Psych), and Rob Delaney (Deadpool 2, Hobbs & Shaw). The 10-episode season debuts on Showtime and Paramount+ on April 24, after appearing at SXSW in March.