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Twitter Reacts To Robert Pattinson (RBattz) Being Cast As 'The Batman'

By Jodi Smith | Industry | May 17, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Industry | May 17, 2019 |


Ever since Ben Affleck and his phoenix tattoo hung up the cowl, fans have been wondering who would fill the Batboots left behind for Matt Reeves’ The Batman. Late last night, Deadline announced that Robert Pattinson would be taking on the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the upcoming flick. Our Slack was initially dumbfounded before coming quickly around to acceptance. After all, Mike already predicted this twist in February while rumors were flying.

The consensus among the Overlords can be summed up in this tweet I made (please know I feel like a gross mcnasty for using one of my own tweets in a tweet roundup but HERE):

The rest of the social media platform was divided on the casting and reactions swirled as though last night didn’t also bring news that Pattinson was still a shortlist candidate for Batman along with Nicholas Hoult (NO).

Listen, they finally cast based on lips again and I am here for it. I also think Pattinson has the ability to unnerve men twice his size with a glower and a nigh imperceptible flex before shifting into Wayne mode; transfixing models while appearing spoiled and ignorant of his company’s inner workings.

Honestly, as long as we don’t get YET ANOTHER ORIGIN MOVIE I will be fine, just fine. I want a Batman that’s been fighting the rogue’s gallery of Gotham for a few years but hasn’t got the fatigue of Batfleck’s character. I know we need the blood of Martha to ensure a good harvest next fall, but PLEASE NO.