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The Animated 'Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Trailer Makes Me Angry

By Jodi Smith | Industry | March 12, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Industry | March 12, 2019 |


I enjoy DC Animated features. Under the Red Hood is a work of art and the Suicide Squad movies are insane fun. This new trailer for Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles though? I hate it, thanks.

I do not like that animation style, though I’m not certain what about it irritates me so much. Maybe it’s because it reminds me of the 1960s version of Batman, which I no longer enjoy because I am the absolute worst person in the world and like less cheese on my Batventures.

Then there is the voice cast. Batman is in the capable vocal cords of Troy Baker, the same man that voiced him in the Arkham Asylum video game series. Tara Strong owns Harley Quinn and Poison Oakey Ivy, as per usual. I think Rachel Bloom’s Batgirl sounds amazing too. Carlos Alazraqui has capably tackled Bane before and I quite enjoy his portrayal.

Then The Penguin started talking and Spongebob/The Ice King came out and I got annoyed. Granted, it doesn’t take much.

I suppose this will be fine? I don’t think I’m the target audience for this particular DC Animation release, so perhaps I’m overreacting (of course I am; it’s an animated movie. BUT STILL).

Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hits shelves on March 31, 2019. I’m sure your kids will love it.

Image sources (in order of posting): DC Animation, Warner Bros.