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Now, We Are All Fundamentalists

By Caspar Salmon | Think Pieces | June 14, 2016 |

By Caspar Salmon | Think Pieces | June 14, 2016 |

Now we fight. Now I know radicalization. Now I am a fundamentalist too, more than ever, ready to take up arms to defend my brothers and sisters who have been, who are always being, attacked. I will be a warrior in the battle for our rights — and let me be clear that the object of our struggle is not acceptance by mainstream straight society, but defeat of mainstream society, which aims its violence and hatred at anything and anyone that stands in the way of straight male domination.

Homophobes are misogynists. They hate the same thing in gays that they hate in women, which is that they cannot own us, we are a rebuke to their sense of their own power, we are not like them.

The attack in Orlando isn’t about you, I hear. No, it isn’t about me. The people who died aren’t me. I am alive. But the people who died are my people, are our people. No-one is claiming this attack, no-one wants to own a massacre. But this is an attack on all of us, and it is not isolated. I’ve never been killed, not yet, but I have been shouted at and attacked on the streets of London. I have had death threats. I’ve seen the crazed rage in the eyes of someone who would like me to die, and who would kill me if only no one were around and he could get away with it. Every queer knows this. Every queer knows that this violence exists, that we sicken people to murderousness. This is why we need people to recognise this, to see what this attack is. It’s part of a worldwide patriarchal horror of difference. You think this is isolated, a one-off? My brothers, sisters and non-gendered siblings are thrown off buildings, beaten up, “correction-raped,” cast as paedophiles, all around the world, every day. A gay man was murdered recently in the exact centre of London, Trafalgar Square. The message is clear: watch out. Next time it could be you. Don’t go thinking you can be free around here.

Love is love. Great. But I am not in love, I don’t think anyone is currently in love with me, and I demand not to be attacked. Yes, queer people love. This should not — does not — need saying and has nothing to do with anything. Don’t tell our attackers, who wish to kill us for our difference, that we are like everyone else. Teach them to respect our difference.

So now I fight, now we all fight. I’ve seen my radicalised brethren online, vowing to march on, to be more gay, more queer than ever. I will join them, with my arsenal of weapons: my sass, my wit that undermines and redefines the world, my arse that will not quit, my clothes, my body language, my musicality, my kindness and my total rejection of violence, as my warrior forefathers and foremothers did.

If you do not fight alongside me you are against me, and I will fight you, too. I will dazzle, mystify and appall you with my queerness until you are defeated. I’m proud, so are they, so are we all, and we will win.

Reprinted with permission from Caspar Salmon’s website.