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In Defense of Stosh 'Piz' Piznarski, Veronica Mars' One True Love

By Deadline Dustin | Think Pieces | April 1, 2014 |

By Deadline Dustin | Think Pieces | April 1, 2014 |

Introduced in the third (and best) season of Veronica Mars, Stosh Piznarski — better known as simply, Piz — made an instant and indelible impression as the superior alternative to Logan Echolls in the Veronica Mars love triangle. While Logan is a moody, temperamental man-slut, Piz is a steady presence, a “good guy,” sensitive, caring and affectionate.

I mean, who would you want as your boyfriend? A moustache twirling “psychotic jackass,” as Veronica once described Logan:


Or a guy with great dance moves?


Piz, as he once said, “rarely wears clothes indoors,” while Logan looks like how Colonel Jessup once described Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men.




There’s a reason that Veronica ended up in a steady, loving nine-year relationship with Piz over a rocky, tumultuous one with Logan in between the series ending and the film, and it’s for the very reason that Logan called Veronica for help: Because he was accused of murder. Again. How many times was Piz accused of murder? How many times was Piz even arrested? Piz worked for Ira F*cking Glass in New York City, and Veronica wants to throw that away for Mr. Doe Eyed Psycho?


Piz may have had his problems — the name of his band was Black Licorice, after all — but he wasn’t an asshole. He treated Veronica with love and respect, and he didn’t go off the handle and beat up the first guy he could find after Veronica’s sex tape was released. Logan was a “lunatic,” as Veronica said herself. And Piz didn’t even have the capacity for hurting a man like that.


Plus, who says “epic” unironically?


I mean, I get it. Maybe in her late teens, early 20s, Veronica goes for the dark and moody guy, but it makes no sense for someone as smart and sensible to choose Logan in her 30s. Does Logan even know what the word “avuncular” means?

Logan is a tortured bimbo. Always was, and always will be. Why keep returning to that? Why continue to repeat the same cycle over and over? It doesn’t change. Logan will never really change. If Logan really loved Veronica, he’d do what’s best for her. He’d encourage her to go back to Piz, to live in New York, work her way up to the FBI, have dinner parties with Ira Glass, and be with a man who loves her enough that he’d never, ever hurt her.


Listen to Jason Dohring. He’s smarter than his character.

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