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Rifftrax Wants To Bring You A 'MST3K' Reunion And More Live Movie Riffing

By Jodi Smith | Rifftrax | March 10, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Rifftrax | March 10, 2016 |

Rifftrax wants to celebrate 10 years of riffing crap movies by appearing with Trace Beaulieu, Frank Conniff, Mary Jo Pehl, and Bridget Nelson in a live Mystery Science Theater 3000 reunion show.
In addition to the reunion show, hitting the $250,000 Kickstarter mark will also get us fan-favorite Time Chasers as a live riff.
Anything over that goal amount will likely get us many more live riffs from the Rifftrax crew. This is always a very, very good thing.

My picks for MST3K favorites to re-riff? The Blood Waters of Dr. Z has always been a favorite. I will also accept The Touch of Satan or anything new-to-them that’s as psychotic as Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny.

Whattaya think, sirs?