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This Week on Podjiba: 'Survivor' Finale and Our TV Homework With Producer Seth!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | May 20, 2020 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | May 20, 2020 |


This week, a Podjiba first as Producer Seth turns on his microphone for the first time ever, leading to an increase in confusing cross-talk by five hundred percent!

Even with this new chaotic energy on the show, we still managed to get through our various topics of the week, which include:

- Our TV homework which we were assigned last week, as Dan watched Fargo, Tori watched Friday Night Lights, and Dustin watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer! It was a rewarding experience for all, although some definitely responded better to their assignments than others.

- Despite Seth’s best efforts, we definitely do not talk about Snowpiercer (yet)!

- We played a game in which Dustin definitely attempted to cheat, yet may or may not have won!

Meanwhile, our discussion of all things Survivor (and the real reason we decided to have Seth on the show this week) takes place in the second, separate episode, where we cover the finale, some of the greats of the past, and answer the most important question of all: if the four of us were the final four players in a season, how would it turn out?

Next week: we’ll probably get back to talking about new television. Maybe? Who can say! In the meantime, episodes are (as always) available on your favorite podcast app, embedded below, or downloadable here (for the main episode) and here (for the Survivor segment).

Header Image Source: Hulu/NBC