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What Show Was So Bad Even Dustin Quit, And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | January 29, 2025 |

Header Image Source: AppleTV+

If you regularly read the site, you probably already know the answer to the question in the headline, but it was news to us back on Monday when we recorded this episode!

Anyway, besides Dustin’s current obsession with (or against) The Night Agent, he also continued to pitch Tori on watching AppleTV+’s Prime Target, and was annoyed that we hadn’t all watched last week’s SNL.

(I’m halfway through now, Dustin, thank you very much, I even stepped away from The Traitors UK for a whole evening to get that far.)

We also spent an extended chunk talking about football, because the Super Bowl is, in fact, television, and also as a bonus, I had an opportunity to explain how this Blue Crab Bay Clam Dip Seasoning is legit and my dad and I have been making this glorious(ly bad for you) dip to watch the game since the ’90s and why is Dustin trying to take away my family traditions?

Oh, also a few minutes on Severance, but honestly we had just about run out of time by then.

If there’s one takeaway from this week’s Podjiba, it’s that Dustin didn’t want to let you know that Mythic Quest is back! As of right now, the first two episodes of the season are out, which means we’re definitely going to talk about it next week!

Podjiba! The only TV podcast where Dustin tries to make fun of my family traditions can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below!

(Publisher’s Note: The ‘family tradition’ involves combining canned clams with cream cheese. He didn’t mention that, did he?)