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'English Teacher'! 'From'! 'The Killer'! And A Game! Podjiba Is Back!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | September 11, 2024 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | September 11, 2024 |


After a few weeks off for travel and holidays, Podjiba is back to help you spend another lovely hour on this planet, hopefully at least modestly entertained and/or distracted!

And boy, did we forget how to do this.

I’m not joking. This episode is full of technical issues, sorry. Dustin’s audio was being captured by the wrong microphone, so his stuff is going to sound a little fuzzy. I had a fan going because it was 10000 degrees here, and I’m pretty sure you can hear and/or feel that whirr.

But most egregious, after we had a recording issue and had to restart, I FORGOT TO RECORD A WHOLE SEGMENT.

Anyway, you’ll see. It’s definitely not us at our technical best. But there is still a lot of fun to be had!

For starters, Dustin introduced his new untitled news quiz game! He had fun prepping it, we had fun recording it, we are definitely demanding that he keep it going.

Then, we talked about FX’s new comedy English Teacher (sort of, you’ll see), Tori and Dustin made the case for the returning shortly MGM+ series From, and Tori told us about John Woo’s remake of The Killer, which premiered on Peacock so it counts as TV!

All in all, definitely still a fun episode, but we will do better next week.

Podjiba! The television podcast that now may start with a weekly news quiz for fun and profit, can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below!