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Dustin Doesn't Always Wear Hats Or Watch 'Dead Boy Detectives,' And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | May 1, 2024 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | May 1, 2024 |


Dustin may have decided that Netflix’s new series Dead Boy Detectives isn’t for him, but the real shocker this week was when he showed up to record this episode of Podjiba without a hat!

His explanation: that he’s of an age where he can no longer wear a hat every day.

Our (mostly Tori’s) solution: we need to keep mailing him hats until he finds a new one he likes! More on this story as it updates (and/or if we ever follow through on our helpful ideas/threats).

In the meantime, thanks to last week’s break, we found ourselves with a lot of television to try to fit into our allotted hour-ish of time! After the aforementioned introduction to Dead Boy Detectives, we attempted (and failed, sort of) to briefly talk about the finale of Shogun, and the ongoing/new HBO/Max Sunday double feature of The Sympathizer and The Jinx, because let’s be honest, it’s still Survivor season, which remains a week to week focus (no matter how many other random shows I may find to interrupt with).

Podjiba! The podcast where we won’t dox Dustin, but we might mail him some hats, can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including below.