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Dustin And Tori Debate The New Hole Show '1899', 'The Walking Dead' Ends, And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | November 23, 2022 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | November 23, 2022 |


We all know Dustin loves himself a good hole … show.

And yet, on this week’s Podjiba, it becomes clear as he and Tori debate the merits of the new Netflix series 1899 that perhaps he does not always love these hole shows as much as we were led to believe?

Also, HUGE spoilers in that discussion. As in, the ending of the season. So beware!

Before we get to that discussion (which is thankfully at the end of the show), and besides starting off with quite a bit of our winter favorite segment, Wood Talk, we also do manage to get into discussing some other television, including:

- Tori’s latest installment of Kung Fu Corner!

- Dustin’s last dispatch from The Walking Dead (at least, until the three spinoffs start, at which point he’ll come back to us all excited like a puppy dragging a zombie arm he just found)!

- We talk about the new Hulu limited series Fleishman Is In Trouble!

Alas, we did not discuss Andor this week (excellent though it may have been), but this amazing work was brought to my attention and thus must be shared:

Podjiba! Where sometimes even Dustin doesn’t wholly love a hole show, can be found everywhere podcasts are found, as well as right here.