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Podcasters of Sex: Have Mercy! 'Masters of Sex' Is Excellent

By Sarah Carlson | Podcasts | July 22, 2014 |

By Sarah Carlson | Podcasts | July 22, 2014 |

It’s easy to imagine some of the Masters of Sex characters crying out “Kyrie Eleison” — “Lord have mercy” — the apt title for the excellent second episode of Season Two. Many are struggling — with their sexuality, with cancer, with being a new parent, with an unhappy marriage, with a loved one’s suicide attempt, you name it. Two episodes in and viewers are given plenty of drama to absorb, yet Masters of Sex presents its stories with such deft structuring and compassion that the series is never bogged down by the weight of its characters’ worries.

“Kyrie Eleison” presents a moving look at the importance of Masters’ work in understanding human sexual behavior, even if his mindset is still stuck in the notions of the time period that behavior such as homosexuality, while not learned, is a “dysfunction.” But both he and the study are doing good in the medical world. Masters isn’t a hero, but he’s not an anti-hero, either. He and Virginia and Betty and all the rest in this world are human. They’re right and they’re wrong, helpful and unhelpful — perfectly flawed, if you will. Meanwhile, Masters of Sex remains nearly flawless.

Join us — myself and cléo Submissions Editor Mallory Andrews — discuss this episode on our unofficial podcast, Podcasters of Sex. We talk about the new addition to the cast, Betsy Brandt (Marie!), the fabulous Betty, IUDs, and Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame. (It makes sense in context.)

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Here’s a direct link, and here is the RSS Feed.

0:00 - Intro
3:15 - The Dinner
6:30 - For Science
11:00 - Team Virginia
16:20 - Vivian
23:15 - The A Word
30:00 - Blinding Moms
35:00 - Libby
40:00 - Betsy Brandt!
48:30 - Outro

And we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or leave comments on our website And once we’re in iTunes, mosy on over, subscribe, and leave us a rating and/or review.

Join us next week as we discuss episode three, “Fight.”

Sarah Carlson is Television Editor for Pajiba. She lives in San Antonio. You can find her on Twitter.