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Reminder: Boy Boners Are A Greater Concern Than Girls' Education

By Kristy Puchko | Parenting | January 8, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Parenting | January 8, 2016 |

Dear girlfolk of the world,

Please remember every day when you get dressed that what you wear impacts the boyfolk around you. It’s very cruel and unfair of you to be wearing things that don’t hide your God-given breasts and butt, because God afflicted men with penises that override their ability to function. Basically, when you wear snug-fitting leggings or a lowcut top (or heavens forbid BOTH), you are essentially crippling the males around you. It’s very inconsiderate.

The Patriarchy

This was the lesson offered to 17-year-old Oklahoma student Rose Lynn when she wore the outfit below to high school and was sent home to change into something “more appropriate.” So, she returned in a baggy white tee with her principal’s chastisement written across it like a defiant Scarlet letter.

In an interview with People, Lynn revealed this outfit was also rejected even though it DID cover her dangerously distracting lady crotch! She was sent home for the remainder of the day.

Lynn’s mother, Misti Evans Delgado, commented on the matter thoughtfully and at length in a Facebook post I suggest you read in full. But her key point is distilled here:

My question for you is at what point is a woman or young lady not responsible for a boys or mans actions? This is not for the world to criticize and train our children. These lessons begin at home and you hope you have amazing people around your children to help reinforce these standards. I have taught that in my home….I’m proud of (my daughter) and no one or any comment will change that.‪#‎youwilldistracttheboys‬ ‪#‎proudmomma‬

Full Disclosure: I attended Catholic school for 12 years, meaning 12 years of being subjected to a dress code that did its damndest to hide female student’s bodies with breast-deflating jumpers, thigh-hiding knee-length skirts, boyish Oxford shirts (darted blouses are the tools of Satan!), and shapeless but pleated polyester pants as ugly as they were uncomfortable. In grade school, I didn’t think much of it. But in high school, the restrictions got tougher, and the talkings-to turned blatantly slut-shaming with girls being called out by teachers in front of the class. Meanwhile the boys dress code was loosened to include khakis as an option. The message was clear: Women dress for men. Women’s dress affects men. Women are responsible for how men react to them.

This is how we grow rape culture, people.

It’s time to change the message. And so we toast, Miss Lynn. And leave you with the lesson she hopes her brush with sexist policy will teach her peers:

I hope young girls realize that they are far more than just sexual objects. Their education should be valued and not halted because of some administration’s views on how young men will react to their attire

Kristy Puchko used to get into a lot of fights with nuns. All verbal.