By Replica | PaEHba Day | November 18, 2009 |
By Replica | PaEHba Day | November 18, 2009 |
This post is part of Paheeba Day 2009. An explanation of Paheeba Day can be found in the Pajiba Dictionary.
~Godtopussy and Acolytes of the Sacred Order, a Discussion Betwixt~
G: ‘The DAY has COME to pay homage. A tribute worthy of our Warrior Queen. What hath you wrought?’
A1: ‘We have captured the souls of Facebook-dwelling males … eat and let thy hunger be nourished!’
A2: ‘Uh…aren’t we accomplished eaters of men already? I mean, … you know what I mean, we are the bosses today, like?’
G: ‘Um, YES. Thou art correct and MOST fabulous in mine eye. You especially. Plus, those boys are but a small amuse-bouche. We require more ‘Jibans on Facebook to feed upon anyhow. NEXT!’
A1: ‘Hey, what about a gift for thine eye, Godtopussy most venerable and voluptuous?’
A2: ‘Psst, don’t actually get anything in her eye … last time it took forever to get the fricking ink out of the carpet.’
A3: ‘Hee.’
A2: ‘What?’
G: ‘ENOUGH you salacious minxes! Feedeth mine eye, and those of thee below usth, and be SATED.’
Amanda Amos IS Resident Hero. We love you, Lady. Xoxoxo
Nicole Fuscia, You’re So Cool, Alabama
Chad, Cannonballin’ the poster game. He’s on Facebook ladies (and gp).
Michael Murray IS Flick.
Replica IS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Snath, Jay and Meaux ARE Jibans of the Dead.
Replica is a multimedia producer who obviously REALLY loves Pajiba, and the wonderful people she’s met through this site. Amanda, I hope you’re laughing honey! She would also like to thank DeistBrawler for keeping the idea alive. There is absolute mayhem ahead. Keep your eyes peeled and comment and click like you’ve never done before!
This post is part of Paheeba Day 2009. An explanation of Paheeba Day can be found in the Pajiba Dictionary.