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She Was More Like a Beauty Queen from a Movie Scene

By Replica | PaEHba Day | November 18, 2009 |

By Replica | PaEHba Day | November 18, 2009 |

G: “I see these comely wenches hath ROCKED face.”

A1: “Oh yes, Godtopussy most buxom and rare. They will smusheth you while you stand there gawping.”

A2: “Wait…there’s a boy image in there … is it … that’s a work of the Skitz is it not?”

A3: “Aw. He so crazy.”

A1: “Uh, yes. We hope that is okay, Godtopussy both nubile and youthy…”

G: “The fool pleases me. I ACCEPT his worketh … *kaff* It is GOOD in mine eye that he offers Homage! Damn straight.”

A1: “Uh…just noticed something else … is that … can’t be … “

A2: “Wait, what!?”

A3: “Is that … is it Mrs. Admin? Ruh-roh!”

G: “THAT’S what I’m talkin’ BOUT. Take ‘em down ladies, take ‘em ALL down!”


Lainey Bobainey IS The Stepford Lainey


Celery, PopeJenn, Anna Von Beaverplatz, and Mrs. Admin as Drew Barrymore (!) ARE Bad Girls


Lizzie Borden IS Cleopatra


Nimue IS The Legend of Billie Jean


MelBivDevoe IS Rachael


Skitz and Wendel ARE 007.5 (and they utterly rule for making this poster happen!)

Replica is hoping you’re as right chuffed about the whole thing as she is. Keep clicking - each click raises more funds! She urges you to check back because she is going to show you something that’s gonna haunt your dreams forevermore. Oh yes. You don’t even KNOW.