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Apple Caught On Camera Trying to Charge $1200 For Moving a Pin in a Laptop

By Petr Navovy | News | October 10, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | News | October 10, 2018 |


Louis Rossmann runs a computer repair shop in Manhattan, as well as a popular YouTube channel that specialises in teaching people how to do the job themselves. Earlier this week he was featured in a CBC News video in which he helped expose the absolutely shocking—yet also widely known—over-charging practices that that run rampant in big companies like Apple. Check it out. It’s infuriating:

Apple made the news earlier this year when they became the first ‘trillion dollar company’. Hey, do you think maybe the suicide-epidemic sweatshops, the inbuilt product obsolescence, and having the balls to charge over a thousand dollars to move a pin in a laptop might have something to do with it? Capitalism! It’s all about competition. If a company provides a good product and a good service then it’ll be rewarded by the market. Likewise, if it provides a poor service, it’ll be punished. So the fable goes. Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world, and yet it gets up to dogshit shenanigans like this. They should have their proverbial hand lopped off and be busted down to selling computer parts in a street market for the combined weight of their fraudulent nonsense. My friends, I’m no capitalist, but this ain’t even capitalism. Big banks aren’t allowed to fail; giant corporations can get away with $1200 pin replacement. We’re living in an oligopoly. Socialism for the rich; dog-eat-dog capitalism for the rest of us.

But hey—at least the giant corporations aren’t also responsible for 71% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, dooming the planet to an irreversible course that’ll make it hostile to human life in the not-too-distant future.