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Drink Up Me Hearties, Yo Ho

By TK & Felicia | Music | July 20, 2009 |

By TK & Felicia | Music | July 20, 2009 |

timf09_logo.gifMGMT and The Flaming Lips will be headlining the Treasure Island Festival in San Francisco on October 17th and 18th. Other acts for the two-day festival in the bay include Girl Talk, The Decemberists and Murs. Same shit different day, right? Single day tickets are selling for $65.00 and two-day tickets are $115.00.

mgmtmm.jpgMuse will be debuting their new single “Uprising” on MTV’s Video Music Awards on September 13th. According to lead singer Matt Bellamy it will be their first U.S. television appearance. I was surprised to hear that considering they have been making albums for a good ten years now. Their new album, The Resistance, comes out on September 25th. This will be the follow-up to their 2006 album Black Holes and Revelations. I am hoping they will announce a U.S. tour that includes Minneapolis to support the new album since I chose to see a slightly disappointing Interpol at Lollapalooza a few years ago over Muse. My bad.

soundgahden.jpgAlthough Chris Cornell is probably not ready to reunite with Soundgarden, he is talking about releasing a B-sides album and box set. The old band has been talking about releasing these items for about ten years now, and it seems like it may come to fruition sometime in the near future. Cornell hopes to cement the band’s legacy with these releases, and try to appeal to fans both old and new.

pandora.jpgWeb radio has struck a royalty deal with copyright holders after a long battle over free web services like Pandora, which I’m sure has saved many a day at work for most of you. There was a time a few years ago where it looked like free web radio was going to be a thing of the past. However, sites like Pandora will now pay higher royalty fees yet still offer the free service. The only caveat with Pandora is that the amount of free listening per month will be limited to 40 hours. After the 40 hours users will be given the option to pay a small fee of 99 cents. This is a win for all us cubicle drones around the world! Well, except for me who is cursed with a work computer from 1920 with no sound or speakers.

Unfortunately, we have no Playlist this week because Grooveshark is being a bastard. Instead, here’s Coldplay covering “Billie Jean.”

OK, OK. I’m sorry about that. Hopefully this makes up for it — Lamb of God meets smooth jazz:

Music News is brought to you each Monday by TK and Felicia. Cram it.