By Kristy Puchko | Music | February 19, 2015 |
By Kristy Puchko | Music | February 19, 2015 |
There are some bits of technology that will never seem anything but magic to me, like how cassette tapes worked, or how touch screens work now. It’s enough to know that someone understands how they do, and so I get to enjoy their benefits. Now to that list I add the latest music video from Jack White, “That Black Bat Licorice.”
On its surface, it may look like a trippy but beautiful animated video. But the viewing experience can change by hitting the buttons B or 3, either which reveals glimpses of an alternate video. You’re the impromptu editor every time you watch.
Why B or 3? Why a 3-in-1 interactive video at all? Who cares. Enjoy the weird, don’t sweat the why.
Kristy Puchko has found spring cleaning makes her consider the inescapability of her own mortality. Anyone need a portable discman?