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Kid Petitions For PG-13 Cut Of 'Deadpool' (Which Is Still Killing It In The Marketing Department, BTW)

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | January 14, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | January 14, 2016 |

So 8-year-old Matthew is a fan of Deadpool, but his mother is not too keen on allowing her son to watch the R-rated flick. If that’s the case, I’m interested to know exactly how little Matthew has grown so fond of the eternally horny, foul-mouthed, murderous merc in the first place. The world may never know.

Matthew is petitioning for a PG-13 cut of the Deadpool movie so he can see a movie about a dude that is straight up murdering people to save his former-hooker girlfriend from the people that turned him into a testicle-faced mutant. I cannot imagine that a PG-13 cut would be that great. The violence could probably stay, but those fucks and the sex scene would have to go.

Then what? Matthew has a sanitized Deadpool to enjoy until his mother decides that he can watch the real cut of the movie? Again, HOW DID YOU BECOME A FAN IF YOU CAN’T WATCH HIM SAY THE F-BOMB, MATTHEW? WHAT WIZARDRY IS THIS.

If you really want to teach a kid that he should get what he wants in life regardless of the reasoning, then you can sign the petition at

Now we can get to pointing out, once again, that FOX is absolutely KILLING IT in the marketing department. They’ve wrapped Deadpool with a rose and his crotch in the camera around a short trailer:

This goes well with the posters and banner ads pretending the movie is only a romance:

Then you have the best use of emojis in the history of things:

Then you have even more posters for perusal:
Deadpool Marketing Team? You are killing it, my friends. And Matthew is too young to watch.