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'Deadpool' Is Making Twitter And China Feel A Lot Of Feelings That Are Strong

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | January 19, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | January 19, 2016 |

I hope you aren’t sick of hearing about Deadpool, because I’m not done talking about him. If you are sick of hearing about Deadpool, what fucking reason did you have to click on this post? Don’t be that person that clicks, readsskims, and then comments, “Ugh, this again?”, because that’s just a real dick move, guy. Jesus.

Some lucky assholes in New York and LA got to see Deadpool in an early surprise screening. Star Ryan Reynolds was in New York while castmates TJ Miller and Brianna Hildebrand were in LA with creator Rob “MOAR POCKETS, LESS LEG” Liefeld, screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and Stan Lee. Naturally, the stars and all those lucky bastards at the screenings tweeted about their amazing day.

I hate all of those dicks. And when I say I hate, I mean I am bitterly jealous. Still, at least I can go see Deadpool when it opens February 12th. And then go again on the 14th. No one in China will be able to do that, as my funny merc-entine has been banned in that country. Chinese censors are not cool with the graphic violence, sexy sexiness and sex, or the language.

Seriously, this could affect the worldwide box office take, as China is generally a big number country for flicks like Deadpool. Maybe they should sign that kid’s petition and get a PG-13 cut in their country to ensure that sequel for me. Er, FOR THE WORLD, OF WHICH I AM A PART.