By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | March 9, 2018 |
By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | March 9, 2018 |
Hey, remember yesterday when Seth made our collective imaginations throw up, and then everyone got mad at him? He’s made it up to us. Sort of.
First by doing one of his stellar reviews of Today In Nonsensicalness aka The Current Presidential Administration:
Just a couple of points I feel always need to be reiterated. One, Erik Prince, the Blackwater Executive that had no formal role in the Trump administration team, but somehow still seemed to be responsible for setting up illicit communications for the President? Betsy DeVos’ brother. Am I saying that DeVos and Prince are working together to turn public school students into some sort of mercenary child-army? I am not. But I’m definitely saying I wouldn’t be totally shocked if that turned out to be the case. Second, that “secured” back channel that Jared tried setting up? They mean “secured from the oversight of the U.S. government”. “Secured” back channel makes it seem like Jared was concerned with no one getting his password. “Attempting to evade notice from the U.S. government” and “Sending secret communiques without the knowledge or consent of the Justice Department” is, you know, factual. So, yeah, the President’s son-in-law/senior advisor tried to tell American secrets to a foreign hostile government, and then we promptly took away his security clearance a year later.
But all of that was mostly forgive when Seth gave us another segment featuring two of our favorite women on this, our very special day.
Goddamnit, #WhoIsStaceyDash, you’ll never not be funny.