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No One Will Miss Trump, But, Man, Will We Miss Seth Meyers Covering Trump

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | October 26, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | October 26, 2016 |

498 days. That’s how long it’s been since Trump awkwardly escalatored his way into the presidential campaign and our collective nightmare. And while most of us can’t wait for the Republican Babadook to be out of our lives, we will be giving up a thing or two when he’s finally gone. Like Seth Meyers doing his worst Trump impression while destroying Trump’s campaign.

Seth Meyers proving he should have moderated all the debates.

And Seth Meyers keeping us in the loop on what the kids are doing.

You better start working on that Hillary impression, Seth. I’ve got a feeling you’re going to be needing it.