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'You're a Wreck, You Can't Sleep, You're Sh*tting Blood," So Seek Comfort in Late-Night

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 8, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 8, 2016 |

This is it, people. Election Day is finally upon us. And, by the grace of everything holy, hopefully tomorrow morning this will all be over. So as a final fond farewell or a bitter fuck off forever, enjoy what we all pray is the last election 2016 coverage ever. You goddamn bastard.

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee
I spent a long, agonizing morning trying to decide if this should be saved for last or put up front because of its importance. Having been dissuaded from putting it in both spots, I opted for first. Watch this. Watch it again. Send it to everyone who still thinks Hillary isn’t the best candidate. There’s still a little time.

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

This does not make up for the recent chicanery, but it’s a good start.

Late Night With Seth Meyers

I think I’ll miss you most of all.