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'Game of Thrones': Twitter Reacts To That Big Deal Moment in 'Battle Of The Bastards'

By Riley Silverman | Game of Thrones | June 19, 2016 |

By Riley Silverman | Game of Thrones | June 19, 2016 |

(Spoilers to come, Game of Thrones episode coverage to come throughout the week. We’re gonna have a lot of feels on this one.)

“The Battle of the Bastards” was promised to be a massive medieval pitch battle, and it delivered. With phalanx, piles of bodies, men being smashed by a giant, and even Jon Snow swimming through a pile of soldiers. But all of this lead to the inevitable outcome that even the work of George R.R. Martin couldn’t keep from us: the defeat of Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of Roose Bolton and perhaps one of the most hated characters in the history of television.

It’s a fitting death, at the teeth of his own dogs, at the hands of Sansa Stark who really fucking deserved the honor.

Twitter had some feels.