By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | June 13, 2016 |
By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | June 13, 2016 |
In our modern age of TV on Demand, there’s much outcry over the rules of spoilers. And while we can continue to debate how to best avoid the spoil, the easiest lesson is one delivered swiftly and mercilessly from Game of Thrones Maisie Williams.
Warning. Slight spoiler for last night’s episode below.
Last night after much meandering and plot stasis, Arya Stark finally ditched those stoic Faceless Men, and with her signature sass. Williams celebrated on Twitter:
A GIRL IS ARYA STARK OF WINTERFELL, AND I'M GOING HOME.#bitchisback #stillaryafromtheblock #teamarya
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) June 13, 2016
But not all of her fans appreciated her insta-excitement.
@Maisie_Williams thanks for spoiling
— Fernando Osuna (@Ferkun10) June 13, 2016
And so he was slain.
@Ferkun10 bro, get off Twitter aha
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) June 13, 2016
Bro, get off Twitter.
Nailed it.
Kristy Puchko lives in perpetual fear that ice cream will become self-aware New York City.