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Does This Mean Hugh Jackman Will Cameo In 'Deadpool 2'?

By Kristy Puchko | Film | April 27, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | April 27, 2018 |


Deadpool 2 is finally coming to theaters next month. And while trailers have been teasing some exciting additions to the cast—like Terry Crews and PETER!—there have been rumors swirling about reshoots to include a very special cameo. And a new tweet might mean that very special cameo is none less than the Greatest Showman, Hugh Jackman!

Both Logan and Deadpool 2 are produced by Twentieth Century Fox. So license-wise, it’s totally possible that Wolverine could make an appearance in Deadpool 2. How that’d fit into the canon of Fox’s X-Men movies is another thing altogether. But considering the wacky, fourth-wall-breaking humor of this Merc With a Mouth, it’s also possible that you could pop in the adamantium-clawed anti-hero without really worrying about all that. Or this could just be an element to Deadpool’s traditionally bonkers marketing strategy.

We’ll find out when Deadpool 2 opens May 18th.