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As IF!

By Kristy Puchko | Film | October 26, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | October 26, 2018 |


Clueless is a rite of passage. A defining film for a generation. A perfect goddamn movie. So naturally, it’s getting a remake.

Deadline reports Paramount is in early development on the proposed remake, which has Girls Trip screenwriter Tracy Oliver on board as producer and GLOW scribe Marquita Robinson lined up for the screenplay. Unknown is what new angle this remake might take or if any of the original cast—which included Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, Paul Rudd, and the late Brittany Murphy—will be involved.

As you might imagine, Twitter was quick to decry this news.

Even ’90s teen idol Devon Sawa had a take.

The complaints boil down to: Writer/director Amy Heckerling made a sensational film that not only brought a fresh take to Jane Austen’s Emma but also captured and inspired Generation X and the older-end of Millenials. It’s iconic. It’s divine. Why mess with perfection? Because it’s been 23 years. It’s time to give teens of today a Clueless to call their own.

Cher, Dionne and Tai were amazing, fun, and influential. Why not resurrect them for a new generation on terms that give them the same adoration and respect? As much as it’s ingrained in all of us to loathe remakes instinctively, Clueless was a remake. And if you’re going to make a remake of a remake, Paramount could do much worse than bringing in two talented women of color to figure out a new angle on this familiar story.

I’m reminded of Cher’s debate presentation about the Haitians. We can totally make room at our table and in our hearts for our classic Clueless and a new version! Like the more the merrier!

But real talk: Do we want them to weave in catchphrases from the original? As if? Way harsh, Tai? You’re a Virgin who can’t drive? Or should this Clueless totally find its own voice? Sound off in comments.