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Trailers You Missed: 'Runaways' Will Introduce A Familiar Face From The Comics Next Season. Just Not The Skrull One, Maybe.

By Tori Preston | Film | November 29, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Film | November 29, 2018 |

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So I’ve just spent like a day and a half without electricity, running water, OR THE INTERNET, thanks to a storm dumping knee-high snow on me (and also my own poor life choices, like choosing to live on the side of a mountain). But do you know what I did as soon as the lights blinked back on today? Cleaned all the spoiled food out of my fridge… AND THEN I WATCHED TRAILERS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, INTERNET.

Marvel’s Runaways — Coming to Hulu December 21
OK fine, I’ll admit it — I was wrong. When I wrote up the first trailer for the upcoming second season of Runaways, I suggested that maaaaybe the handsome glowy-eyed newcomer could be Karolina’s secret Skrull fiancé. And then this new trailer comes along and BAM — turns out he’s a vampire. Or at least, he introduces himself as “Topher” — a character from the comics who initially seems to be a new ally for our band of teenage heroes, but is in fact… an evil vampire. Who only lasted for a few issues so I don’t really know where that storyline is going. Beyond that revelation, this trailer shows off a lot more of the upcoming action, with the teens trying to become a real team to stop their parents, who are hunting them down. The Runaways are clearly using their powers more and OH YEAH THERE’S A GREAT SHOT OF OLD LACE. As long as that damn dino survives, I’ll keep watching this show. That’s my guarantee.

Artemis Fowl — In theaters August 9, 2019
So, I’ve never read the books, and all I’m getting from this teaser is, like, sci-fi fairy fights and kiddie Men In Black? Which is not at all a criticism — it’s actually making me really want to watch the movie (or READ, I guess). Kenneth Branagh is directing, so naturally Judi Dench is in there somewhere. And it’s for Disney, so Josh Gad’s also there.

Welcome To Marwen — In theaters December 21
Next year, I may or may not nominate Barbie Janelle Monáe for Pajiba 10. And just a reminder: this film is based on a true story!

State Like Sleep — On digital and On Demand January 1/ In select theaters January 4
A Belgian actor dies mysteriously, and a year later his (maybe estranged or something?) wife tries to get to the bottom of it. And the “bottom” involves, like, crime? And maybe a strip club? Whatever, this is a thriller starring Fantastic Beasts’ Katherine Waterston and a trifecta of dudes that’ll make you all tingly: Michael Shannon, Luke Evans, and Michiel Huisman.

Vox Lux — In theaters December 7
I continue to be impressed by the sheer volume of bedazzling in this movie. It’s like a feature-length version of my ideal craft room: glitter and leather and Sia songs on a loop.

If Beale Street Could Talk — In theaters this December
This is it, folks. This is the final trailer for Barry Jenkins’ adaptation of James Baldwin’s novel. If every single beautiful trailer released hasn’t convinced you to watch it, give Joelle’s review a read. And if THAT hasn’t convinced you… I mean, what are you even doing with your eyeballs, anyway?