By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 21, 2018 |
By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 21, 2018 |
You know that thing in adolescence where you feel so alienated from your peers that it seems the only one who can truly understand you is a violent, power-mad tyrant? Totally. Well, that’s the jumping off point of writers/directors Lisa Addario and Joe Syracuse’s subversive teen comedy Dear Dictator.
Odeya Rush stars as an angsty American girl who leans hard into teen rebellion when she decides to harbor her pen pal, a British-Caribbean dictator played by Michael Caine. Also, there are mean girls, a metal-loving Jesus Freak, milk-boarding, and a bonkers make-over montage. We know. It sounds like a movie made by Mad Libs. We’re excited too.
Check out the trailer for Dear Dictator below:
Dear Dictator opens in theaters and on Demand on March 16th.