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The New 'Wonder Woman 1984' Trailer Has Our First Look At Full CGI Kristen Wiig as Cheetah

By Jodi Smith | Film | August 22, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Film | August 22, 2020 |


The DC Fandome is happening this weekend, dropping trailers for games (Arkham Knights) and flicks like The Suicide Squad. It’s a pretty good day to be a DC fan… so far.

One of the great things to come out of Fandome is the newest trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, giving us more Chris Pine, 80s fashions, and Kristen Wiig as Barbara Minerva (Cheetah).

I’m in love with everything you’ve got here, but I’d like more lighting in fight scenes so I can see them. I’m also not super stoked on Cheetah in her full CGI glory. I’m having flashbacks to Cats, but slightly less uncanny valley and more… wrongness. Maybe she’ll look better when the movie hits theaters (the ones outside of your living room) on October 2, 2020.

Oh please, Saint Patty Jenkins, bless us with a better render and brighter fight between Wonder Woman and one of her most amazing adversaries, Cheetah. DO US THIS SOLID.

Header Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures