By Jen Maravegias | Film | February 14, 2023 |
By Jen Maravegias | Film | February 14, 2023 |
In the original Children Of The Corn released in 1984, Linda Hamilton and Peter Horton stumble upon an isolated town surrounded by cornfields where the Creepiest Kids In America (TM) have killed everyone over the age of 18 and taken over the town in the name of their weird corn god, He Who Walks Behind The Rows. This agriculture-based religious cult is the type of thing only Stephen King could have thought up. The short story is weird. The film was a flop with critics but audiences loved it and it spawned 10 sequels mostly based on the strong performances of the kids who played cult leader Isaac (John Franklin) and his ginger henchman Malachai (Courtney Gains).
This remake, which was filmed in 2020 and got sidelined by the pandemic, features a cast of much more modern-looking kids who have much savvier vocabularies. And juice boxes. Does their less anachronist wardrobe make them more or less creepy? I can’t decide.
This might technically be a prequel based on the descriptions I’ve found online.
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults’ irresponsibility ruins the crop and the children’s future.
Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who opposes her.
Writer/Director Kurt Wimmer also wrote the 2012 remake of Total Recall and 2015’s remake of Point Break. While I expect this to be action-packed and shiny, it’s probably not going to be very good.
Children Of The Corn will be released in theaters on March 3rd.