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Blood Michelle Monaghan.png

The 'Blood' Trailer Proves Michelle Monaghan Needs A Better Agent

By Jen Maravegias | Film | January 12, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | Film | January 12, 2023 |

Blood Michelle Monaghan.png

What happened to Michelle Monaghan? She was great and sexy in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. She was compelling in Gone Baby Gone and she played Ethan Hunt’s wife in at least two Mission Impossible movies. But now she’s doing projects like Netflix’ Echoes and whatever this is.

After her marriage breaks up, Jess moves her two children back to her childhood home where their lives quickly deteriorate into terror after the family dog bites her son. Giving him a horrific infection, Jess’s morals are tested when the only cure to keep her son alive proves deadly.

I haven’t seen Showtime’s Let The Right One In series but isn’t that also about a parent whose morals are tested by having to provide their vampire child with fresh blood? Multiple blood-drinking-children projects at the same time? What’s the universe preparing us for? According to Farpoint Films’ website, this movie has been in post-production since 2020, so probably not much.

Blood also stars Skeet Ulrich (Scream,Jericho) Finlay Wojtak-Hissong, and Skylar Morgan Jones, and will be released on January 27th.