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Romano and Metcalf Somewhere In Queens.png

Ray Romano Is The True King In The 'Somewhere In Queens' Trailer

By Jen Maravegias | Film | February 27, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | Film | February 27, 2023 |

Romano and Metcalf Somewhere In Queens.png

I know Kevin James has the title “King Of Queens,” but he’s not even from here. He’s from Mineola! Ray Romano was born and raised right here, in Queens. He totally gets it. Ray is the true king of our borough. If Everybody Loves Raymond wasn’t proof enough, I present exhibit B:

This trailer is so Queens that I’m thinking of chartering a bus to bring all of my neighbors to the theater to see it. This trailer is so Queens that I know exactly which yellow Mazarati they’re talking about in that supper table scene. Written and directed by Romano, it doesn’t get any more Queens than this. Even when you account for the fact that Laurie Metcalf and Sebastian Maniscalco are from Illinois. I give them a pass, they seem like nice people. I would make them meatballs. Enough said.

Somewhere In Queens also stars Jacob Ward, Sadie Stanley (The Goldbergs) and Jennifer Esposito (who is from Brooklyn, but I won’t hold that against her.)

It opens in theaters on April 21st.