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Surprise, We're Getting a New Pixar Movie AND David Harbour in a Frankenstein Mockumentary!

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | June 19, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | June 19, 2019 |

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Disney-Pixar announced the release date of their latest film, Soul. Directed by Pete Docter of Up and Inside Out fame, the film will be the studio’s major Summer 2020 release, with the date set for June 19. This is a bit of a surprise because Disney and Pixar films tend to be announced a couple of years before release because of the sheer length of production, so dropping this news a mere 12 months before we get it is pretty new. Of course, Disney had already staked out their claim on this lucrative date on the release calendar many months ago, but hadn’t put a specific film in there until now (it will go up against Judd Apatow and Pete Davidson’s comedy).

The tagline for Soul seems pretty vague but intriguing: ‘Ever wonder where your passion, your dreams and your interests come from? What is it that makes you… YOU?’

So it’s going to be cosmic and pensive and tackle the tough questions? Ambitious, to be sure, but that’s what you want from your Pixar joints. Docter’s pulled off seemingly impossible narratives before, with Inside Out standing as perhaps his masterpiece. So yeah, of course we’re psyched for this one.

And then there’s the new David Harbour project, which has the tongue-twisting title of Frankenstein’s Monster’s Monster, Frankenstein. The mockumentary is written by Arrested Development and Kroll Show writer John Levenstein, with Daniel Gray Longino of PEN15 fame directing. Harbour will play a man who discovers long lost footage of his dad’s televised stage play of Frankenstein. Alfred Molina and Kate Berlant are also in the cast. All that and it’s only 28 minutes long!

Frankenstein’s Monster’s Monster, Frankenstein will drop on Netflix on July 16.

In less interesting titled movie news, yes, there is a prequel to the Kingsman series. Surprisingly, Disney did not shelve this project once they acquired Fox, although don’t expect Taron Egerton to return as this addition to the series will track the origins of the agency populated by dapper heroes who love violence a bit too much. Matthew Vaughn will direct The King’s Man - GET IT?! - and the cast includes Ralph Fiennes, Matthew Goode and Harris Dickinson.

So which of these three projects are you most excited for?

Header Image Source: Getty Images.