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Nic Cage Blasts His Way Through Las Vegas In The 'Sympathy for the Devil' Trailer

By Jen Maravegias | Film | June 7, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | Film | June 7, 2023 |

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If you give Nic Cage a script where he plays a well-dressed Bad Guy with a gun, you can be sure he will tear the head off that role with his teeth and spend the film’s runtime spitting its pieces at the audience.

In the Sympathy For The Devil trailer, Cage is at his Cageiest: growling, shouting, and ululating from the passenger seat of Joel Kinnaman’s car. Listed only as “The Passenger,” Cage’s trigger-happy character takes Kinnaman’s “The Driver” hostage on the night his wife is in the hospital giving birth, forcing him to drive around Las Vegas for mysterious reasons.

We are truly in the Nic Cage Renaissance and I would like it to last as long as possible if he’s going to keep making movies like this one. Bonkers ultra-violent Nic Cage is my favorite flavor.

Sympathy for the Devil was written by newcomer Luke Paradise and directed by Yuval Adler. In addition to Cage and Kinnaman, it stars a bunch of faces you may or may not recognize from various projects, which makes it the perfect playground for Nic Cage to pull out all of the stops.

It opens in theaters and will be available On Demand on July 28th.