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Thoughts On Michael Shannon As Possibly Cable in 'Deadpool 2: Electric Shootaloo'

By Jodi Smith | Film | March 22, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Film | March 22, 2017 |

I had this whole grand thing planned out on how to present this fine piece of casting to you, dear readers. But y’all post links to other places with stories we haven’t covered yet and make Baby Jesus cry. Except I’m Baby Jesus. And I’m not crying. I’m breathing fire. But that’s because I’m sick as a dog, kids.

What was I talking about?

Right, right. This man:


Is the front runner, allegedly, to play this man:


Alongside this man:


So, if I know my math (and I don’t), that means this:





Still here? Great. I really think that Shannon has the serious face and chops to play a straight man to Reynolds’ flexible man. Deadpool and Cable have many adventures together, but Cable gets fucking annoyed by the mouthy merc on the regular. Shannon can hold his own against such a HUGE portrayal of an insane comic character, so this is excellent.

Please, Mr. Shannon. Please, take the role of Cable. As a favor to me, the lady letting her dinner go cold while her ASS DOGS WHINES NON-STOP FOR A BITE OF IT EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY TOLD YOU NO, ZERO. THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, GODDAMN IT. As a favor to mankind, be our Cable.