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Martin Scorsese Doesn't Care About Seeing 'Joker' and It's 'Fine'

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | January 2, 2020 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | January 2, 2020 |


The Irishman was proof that Martin Scorsese’s still got it as a director. The man knows how to make a three-plus hour film compelling, I’ll say that much. He’s inspired the work of several filmmakers over the last few decades and, despite being on the receiving end of vitriol in late 2019 after daring to critique Marvel movies, Scorsese remains one of the few directors whose voice matters enough to rile people up, while also remaining important. And he’s done it again. In a new interview, Scorsese admitted to having little interest in seeing Todd Phillips’ Joker and that’s “fine,” really.

After all, Todd Phillips’ divisive film was heavily inspired by Martin Scorsese’s work, most especially by Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, so it’s not hard to imagine why Scorsese doesn’t seem to care whether he ever sees the film or not. I don’t blame him. Aside from drawing inspiration from Scorsese’s movies, though, Phillips isn’t as strong a storyteller. Speaking with The New York Times, Scorsese says that the urge just isn’t there.

“I saw clips of it… I know it. So it’s like, why do I need to? I get it. It’s fine.”

The man’s got little time on his hands to spend it watching a two-plus hour film that, besides the wonderful and captivating cinematography, has little to say. I’m sure Scorsese’s flattered that Phillips pays homage to his films and all that, but will he lose sleep over never seeing Joker? Don’t count on it.