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Literally Nobody Asked For a New Kevin Spacey Film!

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | June 20, 2018 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | June 20, 2018 |

Vertical Entertainment, a film distributor, have decided that enough time has passed for audiences to get over that whole ‘Kevin Spacey accused of multiple issues of sexual misconduct’ oopsie. What’s a few months between producers, right? Billionaire Boys Club was filmed over two and a half years ago and was sitting on a shelf way before the Spacey allegations were revealed, but now seems as good a time as ever.

Explaining their decision to release the film, the company said:

‘We don’t condone sexual harassment on any level and we fully support victims of it. At the same time, this is neither an easy nor insensitive decision to release this film in theaters, but we believe in giving the cast, as well as hundreds of crew members who worked hard on the film, the chance to see their final product reach audiences.’

It is true that a lot of talented people worked on this movie - and also Ansel Elgort - but it’s tough to see how a film with Spacey featured so prominently in recent advertising can find an audience now. Is anyone crying our for this movie? Was anyone crying out for it before Spacey came under the spotlight with these accusations? Separating the art from the artist is one thing, but it seems naive at best to assume there’s any real hunger for that right now. My guess is that there were contractual obligations in place that forced the distributor to give this film the absolute bare minimum release.

For the record, Vertical Entertainment are the same distributor and production company behind Gotti.