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Why Is Keanu Reeves Toying With Our Hearts Over The Third 'Bill And Ted' Movie?

By Andrew Roberts | Film | July 14, 2018 |

By Andrew Roberts | Film | July 14, 2018 |


It seemed like things were moving along smoothly for the potential third film the Bill And Ted franchise. It has only been a few months since Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves chatted about the characters and made the third film, Bill & Ted Face the Music, an official thing that is supposed to be happening. Things were indeed “excellent” as the titular fools/rock and roll saviors would say.

But now it is July and Keanu Reeves seems to be digging for some hard truths about the new film. While speaking with Yahoo Movies about his new film Siberia, Reeves shared an update on the third adventure and the cold facts about it happening:

“I don’t know if it’s a reality,” Reeves cautions. “We’ve been trying for a long time to get that film made, and it still has its challenges.”

It could indicate a significant roadblock for Bill And Ted, it could be that Reeves has no real update and is just speaking from experience, or perhaps it is Reeves not wanting to talk about fucking Bill And Ted while on promotion for another film.

Or maybe somebody killed his dog and his mind is elsewhere, I don’t know.

The truth, as shared by SyFyWire, is that making this film isn’t as appealing to studios as a reboot. Why? Who the hell knows. The novelty of the entire thing is built on what was already present. Plus we already got Hot Tub Time Machine. Ed Solomon said as much in an interview with Digital Spy — about reboots, not Hot Tub Time Machine:

“We are having issues raising money for it, getting it financed, because what we get all the time - all the time - is people wanting to reboot it,”

So what have we learned here? That good things can’t happen in this hellscape of a world we’ve chosen to live in? That Keanu Reeves is very busy, but still a very cool guy? Or is it that Hot Tub Time Machine is actually pretty good and we should give it more credit?

All three, folks. All three.