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Is 'Twin Peaks' A Movie?

By Kristy Puchko | Film | December 5, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | December 5, 2017 |

It’s that time where year-end top ten lists are proclaiming the best of 2017, and inciting debate, confusion, and outrage. While Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird and Get Out duke it out for top spots, a new and unexpected contender just entered the ring: David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return. Now, you might think, ‘Hang the fuck on, that’s a TV show.” Well, the 180 critics, programmers, and academics polled for BFI’s international magazine Sight & Sound say it’s a movie. They put it at #2 on their Film of the Year list, right below Get Out.

As you might expect, Film Twitter has thoughts on this matter.

(Matt Zoller Seitz’s thread is lengthy and involved, click the above tweet to keep reading it.)